Sunday (“First Day”)
- Unprogrammed Worship 9:15 am
- First Day School (“Sunday School”) 9:30 am
- Programmed Worship 10:30 am
Winston-Salem Friends Meeting offers both programmed and unprogrammed worship services. Worship after the Manner of Friends, or unprogrammed worship, is what many have in mind when they think of the silence of traditional Quaker Meetings, The 9:15 am worship service follows this traditional Quaker model. Our 10:30 am worship service includes a sermon, hymn singing, a choral selection, and a period of unprogrammed worship.
Friends think of silent worship as a time of direct communion with God. After centering down, which is cleansing the mind and heart of all distractions, Friends wait upon the Lord — simply listening for God’s voice within. There is no rule that the silence be unbroken; if Friends feel moved by the Holy Spirit to share simple words of witness to God’s working in their lives, they are said to speak out of the silence.
“The early Friends made the discovery that silence is one of the best preparations for communion (with God) and for the reception of inspiration and guidance. It may be an intensified pause, a vital hush, a creative quiet, an actual moment of mutual and reciprocal correspondence with God. The actual meeting of man with God and God with man is the very crown and culmination of what we can do with our human life here on earth.” -Rufus M. Jones
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